Breathable membranes for roofs

Breathable membranes for roofs

Breathable membranes for roofs are an essential component in modern construction, particularly in pitched roofing systems. They serve as a barrier that is water-resistant yet allows water vapor to escape from the inside of the building, which helps prevent issues like condensation, mold growth, and structural decay.

Key Features and Benefits:

  1. Water Resistance: These membranes keep the underlying areas dry by repelling water. They are not meant to replace tiles or shingles but to provide an additional layer of protection.

  2. Vapor Permeability: Unlike traditional roofing felts, breathable membranes allow internal moisture (from kitchens, bathrooms, and breathing) to escape, reducing condensation risks and associated problems.

  3. Improved Energy Efficiency: By keeping insulation dry, these membranes help it perform better, thus enhancing the building's thermal efficiency.

  4. Lightweight and Durable: Made from materials like spunbonded polypropylene, these membranes are easy to install, durable, and resistant to tearing.

  5. UV Resistance: Some membranes are treated to resist UV degradation, beneficial for roofs exposed during construction.